Stainless steel cable wire: As the material is virtually indestructible stainless steel, then it can safely contain any species on land, in the air indoors or out. And the weave opening, we can infinitely customizable to meet your exhibits exact specifications. No matter how large, how small, or how cunning you specimens are, we assure their complete security.
Barbed wire: In large-scale domestic animals applications, In general, barbed wire materials are high quality and inexpensive. Barbed wire consists of 2 twisted strands of 12 ½ gauge galvanized steel wire with a 2-point or more barb pattern spaced 5 inches apart. Generally, these wires are attached to metal T-posts set in the ground 10-20 feet apart with one or more stays between posts. Barbed wire fences are effective at restraining livestock and if properly designed can be permeable to most wildlife.
Smooth wire: Smooth wire is the same basic design as barbed wire but without the barbs. It is generally used in conjunction with other materials or in situations where barbs are not needed.
Pipe rail fencing: Pipe rail fence is typically composed of small diameter (e.g., ½ inch-1 ½ inch) steel pipe or solid rod rails (e.g. sucker rod) and larger diameter (e.g., 1 ½ inch-2 inch) posts. It is attractive, effective, and low maintenance, but can be expensive to build. Pipe rail fences are often used to protect small areas of sensitive habitat (e.g., springs or wildlife water developments) from animals and feral burros, and in areas where wildlife crossings are expected to be frequent. Pipe rail fences can also be used to exclude off road vehicles.
High tensile wire: High-tensile wire is a single strand of smooth wire. Generally, it is used either in combination with other fencing materials or as the primary barrier in an electric fence. It is usually low maintenance, but electrified does not provide sufficient deterrent to functioning as a stand-alone animals fence.